
Customer : Dave 'Bucket' Colwell and Ray...
Wearing their matching trainer's!
For over 10 years, Ray has been fixing, tweaking and CARING for my guitars.
From set-ups to refrets to completely rebuilding vintage guitars and pick-ups, to a standard so high, reliability is guarateed.
Many artists and guitar techs, on taking my recommendation, have been more than satisfied and for my own part, I recently commisioned Ray to build two custom Telecasters, both fine instrumments.
He has proved again he is a true master of his craft.
Lead Guitar for the following bands:
Bad Company, Humble Pie,The Choir Boys and The Jones Gang.
Gallery Pictures Customers and Guitars Page 053.
Ray Cooper Guitars - Rogues Gallery,
Specialising in Vintage Restoration, Custom Made Guitars, Guitar Repairs.